Creating Results in the Coming New Year
Ready to get started on your New Year’s resolutions? Take a holiday break (you’ve earned it) and consider what is happening with your life. Make a list. It is liberating to have a plan and become the creative force for everything in your life – your body, mind, spirit and environment. And now is always the perfect time to begin.
“After working with tens of thousands of people,” Frank Natale writes in Results: The Willingness to Create. “Without exception, my experience is that anxiety, depression and fear of intimacy or success are all outcomes of a poor self image. Of all the judgments we make about ourselves, our current created self image is our destiny.”
The empowering choice, our fundamental purpose and direction, is to be of service to others. When we choose to be self-aware and experience what is happening in the moment – the eternal now – we transcend the burdens of circumstance, fear and doubt to embrace a universe of possibilities beyond our reasonableness and conditioned beliefs.
Natural and man-made disasters remind us of our vulnerability and how quickly life changes. Yet these events are transformed by our thoughts and our actions, by the life-affirming response of service to others. The courage of unconditional love is the true nature of the human spirit. When we take action toward our intended results we initiate a dramatic shift in consciousness. With this shift we celebrate our birthright as creators and, as a result, manifest the healing vibration of love and all the joy and wonder that involves.
Embrace the power and satisfaction of creating a new direction for your life in the coming year. Today is your day. Let it begin.
– Ralph Cissne